How to update your community with images and formatted text
After creating or requesting a community, you will be considered a leader of that community until otherwise notified. This gives you the ability to add/change the image of the community’s banner and modify both the headline and the description.
To add/change the community’s banner, go to the community and click the Change image button at the top right of the banner:
For best results with your image, follow these guidelines:
- Images should be approximately 1200 x 1200 px.
- Try to avoid using an image that has words or small graphics — photos work best
- Images will be used in a variety of sizes; sometimes square, sometimes wide. Select an image that can be cropped without losing all context.
To modify the Headline/Description, click the Settings button just below the lower right-hand side of the banner and select Edit community settings:
Here can change everything from the name, headline, privacy settings, and the description.
In the description, you'll find a rich text editor that will let you get creative with formatting the body of text, adding images, links, and so forth.